Dr. Sabra Luke

Dr. Sabra Luke, MD grew up in the Commonwealth of Dominica, the nature island of the Caribbean, where people take pride in building community relationships. Dr. Luke is always striving to make a positive impact in the communities she serves and holds a firm belief that physicians can become better and more empathetic healers by engaging in creative pursuits outside of medicine. With a career focus on women's health, Focus On Her is one of her projects geared at inspiring women to become the best versions of themselves and discover a holistic approach to medicine.

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You’re Not Going Crazy… It’s Menopause!

Menopause marks the end of the reproductive years. The ovaries stop producing eggs and the hormone estrogen which helps to control the menstrual cycle. This natural process can happen usually by the average age of...

What You Need to Know About Trichomoniasis

We learned the basics at school during science class or from having “the talk” with our parents and guardians. That was a long time ago though. Our OBGYN or Family Medicine physician may have glossed...

What Your Pre-Teen & Teenage Girls Need to Hear from You

You may be wondering where has the time gone since you took home your 7lb or 8lb bundle of joy from the hospital. All of a sudden, you’re dealing with makeup, wardrobe changes, and a...

Model 101: Finding Your Personal Style

Have you ever had that moment where you’re standing in front of your wardrobe, like an hour before an event, in complete distress because you didn’t know what to wear? Or is it just me? Finding...

Tips for Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic

A few days ago, I was asked to give a health talk to a group of parents and teachers addressing the challenges that students are facing during this Covid-19 pandemic. I am a recent medical...

Becoming THAT Woman at 30

Many women have an idea of what their 30s will look like. Not me! I have already fallen far behind on my checklist of things to accomplish by age 30. I’m sure you know what...

Could You Walk a Mile in Her Shoes?

This reflection was submitted to the Global Health Diaries following a medical trip to Uganda sponsored by the University of Vermont Robert Larner M.D. College of Medicine and the Western Connecticut Health Network. This was published in the Global Health eMagazine March 2020 edition.


Dear Nature Lovers … (part 1)

The Caribbean’s best-kept secret, the Commonwealth of Dominica,  is a haven for the eco adventurer and the thrill-seeker. Known for its rugged terrain, lush...

Dementia: The Island Journey

'Dementia' – often used as an umbrella term for memory loss and cognitive decline. In fact, dementia is a symptom of brain disorders and...

Healthy Aging Month – Sept 2021

The phenomenon of aging is a normal life process that, for various reasons, is often approached with apprehension. Many people try to deny the...

What Your Pre-Teen & Teenage Girls Need to Hear from You

You may be wondering where has the time gone since you took home your 7lb or 8lb bundle of joy from the hospital. All...