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Let’s Talk About the Vagina, Shall We?

The most cared-for organ of the human female body is the vagina. Yes, I said it! As a retail pharmacist, I treat vaginal infections at work every day, and it’s quite evident that above all, women...

Successful Women in Medicine featuring Shanita Scotland, RN, CLNC

Shanita Scotland is a Registered Nurse, Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, Special Victims Nurse, and a graduate student at New York University (NYU). She currently works as an ER nurse at NYU Langone Hospital – Brooklyn,...

Personal Branding: The Brand of You

I think we can all agree that first impressions matter. Upon meeting someone for the first time, your experience with them will either confirm your pre-conceived notion or spark a new perspective. Seldom do we...

Personal Branding: Conducting Your Gap Analysis

In my last post, we discovered how to begin creating an amazing 'first impression' through personal branding. Your personal brand is the way you promote and present yourself to the world - often defined as...

My Natural Hair Journey

I have always loved experimenting with my hair for as long as I can remember and think I have a natural knack for styling hair as well. I particularly like coloring my hair as I...

Successful Women in Engineering featuring Kimberly Lawrence, MS

Kimberly Lawrence is a Water Engineer at Jacobs Engineering who was recently recognized at the beginning of 2020 as a Notable Woman in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) by Washington STEM. Kimberly grew up...

Motherhood: The Untold Stories

These are the untold stories of motherhood which I quickly found out after the birth of my baby boy Breastfeeding This is hard, don’t let anyone tell you differently. From cracked and sore nipples, clogged cuts, mastitis,...

The Distinguished Michelle Thomas, Attorney-at-Law

Attorney-at-Law, Michelle Thomas is a phenomenal young Caribbean woman who hails from Jamaica. She is a graduate from the St. Andrew High School for Girls, University of the West Indies, Cavehill Campus, and Norman Manley...

My Real-Life Birth Story: I Thought I Would Die

The scary truth about childbirth that no one talks about includes a plethora of complications that increase the risk of both maternal and fetal death. There are very few things that are more anxiety-provoking than...


Coping with Anxiety during stressful times

So far, 2020 has been nothing like what we would have imagined and feels like a page ripped out of a horror story. Most...

Why God Created Mothers

  I know why God gave me my mother…   God’s love for his children Is infinite, consistent and sure He is an ever-faithful father But God needed someone to...

Love and Trafficking: How Traffickers Groom & Control Their Victims

  “I can’t believe she fell for that.” “If I were him I would have told someone!” “I would have seen right through it.” If you’ve never been...

Let’s Talk About Uterine Fibroids

Did you know that an estimated 20-70% of women of reproductive age currently have uterine fibroids? Board Certified OBGYN, Dr. Kerry-Anne Perkins will join...