New on Focus

Group B Strep Awareness Month

Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a type of bacteria normally found in the gastrointestinal and genital tracts. Sometimes other parts of the body become exposed to GBS resulting in infections including pneumonia, meningitis, skin and...

What You Need to Know About Chlamydia

In Part I of The ABCs of Sexually Transmitted Diseases series we learned about trichomoniasis – one of the three most common infectious causes of vaginal complaints among reproductive-aged women, the other two being bacterial...

Diabetes & Pregnancy – Here’s what to Expect! Diabetes in pregnancy can cause serious problems if uncontrolled. However, if you have pre-existing (type 1 or 2 diabetes) or have gestational diabetes, there’s no reason to be afraid. The key to maintaining a complication-free...

Guiding the Strong-Willed Child

If I were to have a conversation with my younger self, to discuss the current events of my life; I can assure you that the sub-topics would not include “techniques used to manage a strong-willed...

Finding Your Motivation to Workout

You promised yourself that this year, you would stick to an exercise routine, lose weight and get the summer body of your dreams. You wrote it at the top of your list of New Year’s...

The Struggles & Successes of Women with ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is often underdiagnosed and overlooked in women. Left untreated, women may end up struggling to take control of their daily lives whilst constantly battling anxiety,...

Motherhood – A Lifelong Commitment, a Task Never Done

Motherhood is a divine calling and a lifelong commitment. It is a journey that commences when a woman first feels the movement of the fetus in her womb and continues throughout her lifetime. God bestowed upon...

The Story Behind Fighting For Me, Inc.

On September 28th, 2012, a propane tank of passion exploded inside of me. I had never in my life desired to talk about much less help other sexual abuse survivors, but all of sudden I...

Is the Plant Parent Life Really for Me?

In 2021 it has been said that “plants are the new pets, pets are the new children and children are the new luxury handbags”.  In my case, although luxury handbags are not quite my thing,...

Being a Health Advocate: A Stroke Survivor Story by Alyson McCord

Louisiana attorney Alyson McCord knows how to advocate for her clients. But a debilitating stroke nearly deprived her of the ability to speak for herself. After...

What You Need to Know About Trichomoniasis

We learned the basics at school during science class or from having “the talk” with our parents and guardians. That was a long time ago though....





Rethinking Mental Illness

October 10th marks World Mental Health Day. This year has been a rollercoaster for most individuals with the unfolding pandemic resulting in loss of...

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

This week we're highlighting the amazing work done by Women's Health Plus in the discussion on Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) with OBGYN, Dr. Diane...

Love and Trafficking: How Traffickers Groom & Control Their Victims

  “I can’t believe she fell for that.” “If I were him I would have told someone!” “I would have seen right through it.” If you’ve never been...

Becoming THAT Woman at 30

Many women have an idea of what their 30s will look like. Not me! I have already fallen far behind on my checklist of...