Home Health Exercise Finding Your Motivation to Workout

Finding Your Motivation to Workout

Finding Your Motivation to Workout

You promised yourself that this year, you would stick to an exercise routine, lose weight and get the summer body of your dreams. You wrote it at the top of your list of New Year’s resolutions. Now we are halfway through May and you have not kept our promise to yourself. Or you may have started working out but find it hard to keep that energy you had on the first week. You tend to come home from work, take one look at the time then contemplate whether or not you should work out now or in an hour. You decide to postpone your work out to tomorrow or the weekend.

Sounds familiar?

The truth is that most of us find it difficult to stick to an exercise routine especially as working professionals, mothers, and overall busy-bodies. Finding the motivation to work out consistently can be a challenge and I wish I could say that I did not struggle with this too. Here are a few things I usually do to boost my motivation to exercise and feel excited about getting back in shape:

Switch up your workout attire – This is by far my favorite way to keep the energy going. Avoid using clothes you lounge around the house in. You’re setting up yourself to choose comfort, and comfort is the couch! Try buying a new workout outfit, fix your hair, wear a cute headband, buy new socks and shoes or get new headphones. Don’t feel pressured to buy branded items as the cheaper, simpler sportswear is just as comfortable and serves the same purpose. Then get dressed! Dressing up will make you look and feel presentable and you will feel ready to get moving.

Have a pre-workout snack – If it’s been a while since you ate, you may be feeling sluggish from having low blood sugar. Have a light, easily digestible snack such as fruit, one slice of bread and peanut butter, crackers with tuna, or even an energy bar about 1 hour before you plan to workout. As your body starts to digest it you should start to feel an increase in energy.

Play your favorite workout music – What’s your favorite music? Don’t feel obligated to listen to techno or deep house music. Play jams that make you feel happy and energized no matter the genre. Studies have shown that people who listen to their favorite music whilst exercising workout harder than those who don’t. The more you enjoy your workout, the more you will want to get up and do it. Grab your headphones and let’s do this!

Grab an energy drink – If you need a quick boost of energy caffeine will do the trick. It will make it easier for you to get up and start exercising. Right now, my favorite type of caffeinated drink is chai tea because it’s natural. However, there are other sources of caffeine such as coffee and energy drinks. For those who do not use caffeine, a fruit or vegetable smoothie is an excellent substitute filled with the nutrients you need for a good workout.

Find a workout buddy – Invite your friends, family, or significant other to work out with you. You can take them to the park, beach, or any public space and try out some partner workouts. There are a plethora of options for these types of workouts on YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest just waiting for you to try them out.

If you incorporate these ideas into your routine, you will recondition your mind and body into thinking you are about to do something enjoyable and will start to enjoy the pre-workout process. Soon you will realize and be proud of your consistency and results. Every time you manage to get up and complete that workout adds to the success of your body goals.

So, are you ready to work out yet?


   About the Author 
Minkah Frampton, affectionately known as ‘Minx‘, hails from Loubiere, Dominica. She grew up near the beach, river, and bushes and you could almost always find her swimming, climbing trees, or riding her bicycle. Her love for health & fitness stems from shadowing her mother who is a certified personal trainer. Minx is planning on pursuing her Personal Trainer Certification and continues to research new and innovative ways to stay in shape. Her goal is to motivate others to begin and maintain their fitness journey and to show others that dedicating time to one’s health can be fun and worth the effort.

Check out Minx’s fitness profile on Instagram for more fitness videos and tips.