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Finding Her Voice After a Cancer Diagnosis

Trusting Her Gut Emergency room case manager and nurse Marla Celeri had been struggling with a runny nose, persistent cough, rapid breathing and a hoarse voice for six months. Unable to speak above a whisper, Marla...

Let’s Talk About Breast Cancer

Joining me on Episode 9 of Focus On Her LIVE are my guests: Dr. Fareeaa Ali is a Primary Care Physician in Trinidad who is passionate about Women's Health, and advocates for breast cancer awareness, particularly...

Let’s Talk About the Diabetic Diet

Is there such a thing as the Diabetic diet? How can patients with diabetes manage meal planning? Joining me for Episode 8 of Focus On Her LIVE is my guest, Nurse Priscilla Prevost. She is...

9 Key Issues Affecting Girls and Women Around the World

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t always “get” the women in my life quite like I do my male friends and relatives—just ask my girlfriend, who is probably convinced I was raised by a...

Let’s Talk About Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Closing out PCOS Awareness Month on a high note. Joining the discussion are my guests: Dr. Bianca Hall - Doctor of Osteopathic medicine and an OB/GYN currently completing a Complex Family Planning Fellowship at Albert Einstein...

Healthy Aging Month – Sept 2021

The phenomenon of aging is a normal life process that, for various reasons, is often approached with apprehension. Many people try to deny the aging process and would gladly prevent it from occurring if they...

Breastfeeding After a Cesarean Section

Whether you have had a vaginal delivery or a cesarean delivery, breastfeeding is essential for you and your baby to bond with each other. However, many cesarean sections (C-sections) are unexpected and pose new challenges...

Perimenopause: The Women’s Health Issue No One’s Talking About Enough

Arianna Sholes-Douglas remembers the moment her body was in the grips of perimenopause ― though she didn’t recognize it for what it was at the time, despite being an OB-GYN and integrative health physician focusing...


Successful Women in Engineering featuring Kimberly Lawrence, MS

Kimberly Lawrence is a Water Engineer at Jacobs Engineering who was recently recognized at the beginning of 2020 as a Notable Woman in Science,...


Words have power, sometimes destructive power, but none of this power is inherent. Let’s restate this as “words have the power we give them.”...

Writing Your Resume

Do you struggle with writing a good resume? Are you still trying to figure out how to start?  Need to know which common mistakes to avoid...

Breastfeeding After a Cesarean Section

Whether you have had a vaginal delivery or a cesarean delivery, breastfeeding is essential for you and your baby to bond with each other....

Friendship: 7 Attributes to be Nurtured

Are friends chosen or do friendships just happen as a result of circumstances? Maybe both. There are countless online articles on friendship outlining the...