Dr. Esther Trotman

Dr. Trotman is a creative, naturalista, and island-girl who was born and raised in Barbados. Overcoming her own struggles with physical and mental illness has fueled her passion for health and wellness. As a physician, she focuses on holistic counseling and psychology, and as a Christian, she stays true to traditional values and beliefs. Her aim is to encourage women around the world to seek a holistic approach to health and start living life whole!

More Articles

Healing from Depression – Part 2

Jump to: 1:10 min for medical treatment 2:48 min for 10 practical steps on healing from depression 11:22 min for the prayer For counseling and other resources, visit my website.

Healing From Depression – Part 1

Depression is a reality that many people face and I want to look at it from a biblical yet practical perspective.  Part 1 of this series focuses on the causes and symptoms of depression. Jump to: 1:00 min...


Healing from Depression – Part 2

Jump to: 1:10 min for medical treatment 2:48 min for 10 practical steps on healing from depression 11:22 min for the prayer For counseling and other resources, visit...

What Physicians Have to Say About PCOS

September is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Awareness Month https://vimeo.com/156341857 What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?  Physicians describe it as an important cause of androgen excess, menstrual irregularity,...

Dementia: The Island Journey

'Dementia' – often used as an umbrella term for memory loss and cognitive decline. In fact, dementia is a symptom of brain disorders and...

Finding Her Voice After a Cancer Diagnosis

Trusting Her Gut Emergency room case manager and nurse Marla Celeri had been struggling with a runny nose, persistent cough, rapid breathing and a hoarse...


In my family, the men were predominantly the cooks while the women took care of the other chores. Not quite the norm but there...