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Personal Branding: The Brand of You

I think we can all agree that first impressions matter. Upon meeting someone for the first time, your experience with them will either confirm your pre-conceived notion or spark a new perspective. Seldom do we give others several opportunities to change our impression of them. In the same way, how you present yourself matters. You may want to be seen as serious but because others see you as a class clown, it is hard to take you seriously. You may want to appear less uptight, but during your interactions with others, you never actively partake in healthy dialogue—you answer questions with one-word answers and only ask closed-ended questions. As a result, you may appear unwilling to engage and closed-off, when in actuality you are just shy and can be very warm.

So, how would you like to be seen by others in your personal and professional lives? Would you like to have separate images? Would you prefer to have the same image in both areas?

When I was in grad school, one of my courses on personal branding required us to create videos talking about our current and future accomplishments and write bios in the third person. This was important because it allowed us to view ourselves externally as an audience member versus viewing ourselves internally, based on intention. It’s the equivalent of reading your research paper backward to check for errors, as opposed to reading it coherently and missing errors because of context.

Grab your laptop, iPad, phone, or notebook and pen and jot down a few things.

  1. Name – formal and preferred
  2. Preferred Name – meaning behind the choice of preferred name
  3. Occupation – current and future (think 5 years)
  4. Lifestyle – current and future (where do you live, is your lifestyle affordable, healthy, glamorous, etc)
  5. Appearance – edgy, professional, preppy, feminine, classic, tomboy chic, casual, formal, soulful, bohemian, eccentric, retro, bold, bright, minimalist, maximalist, chic, unique, etc
  6. What would you like to be known for professionally?
  7. What would you like to be known for personally?
  8. What are your 3 current greatest assets in terms of character and skill?
  9. What skills would you like to attain?
  10. What would you hire you for?
  11. What would be a deal-breaker professionally and personally?
  12. Would you be friends with who you are currently?
  13. How can you improve personally and professionally?
  14. What do you need to embrace more about yourself personally and professionally?
  15. Any companies you want to work for? Why?
  16. Any industries you would like to build your career in?
  17. Would you prefer structure or freedom to do as you please personally and professionally?
  18. Is there a salary range you would like to attain? What is your current salary?
  19. Would you prefer to have your own office at your job or do you like an open workspace (cubicle, sharing a table, etc)?
  20. Would you prefer to live in a house or an apartment? Why?
  21. Do you prefer the city, suburbs, or a more rural area where houses are separated by at least ½ a mile? Why?
  22. What is the cost of living where you are versus where you want to live?
  23. Will your desired salary afford your future residence?
  24. Are you thinking of settling down in the next 5 years? If so, where would you raise your family?
  25. If you do not want to settle down and start a family or you would not like to be in a committed relationship in the future, where would you like to live?
  26. Is it important that you live close to where you work or work close to where you live? Why or why not?
  27. Are your social media accounts private, public, or non-existent?
  28. What subject would you like to be well-versed on?
  29. What channels or platforms will you use to educate yourself on the subject?
  30. Would you like to be an open book or is privacy of über importance to you?
  31. If you had one more day on earth how would you spend (what would you do and / or with whom)
  32. What would you like your legacy to be in your professional and private lives?

After answering the questions above, conduct a gap analysis to determine what is keeping you from attaining your desired state in life. This will help you develop the path(s) necessary to elevate your personal brand. Note that you may already be on your way to attaining your dream version of yourself and you may only need steps that help you maintain the brand of you.


About the author
Richelle Desire is a Business Intelligence (BI) Professional with a Master’s degree in Business Intelligence, as well as a Master’s in Business & Entertainment. Richelle works to influence operational and strategic decision making. Her professional focus is in business intelligence and analytics while telling insightful, coherent data stories through sophisticated, yet clear data visualizations. She values diversity in technology and cultivating strong business relationships.

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