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Journey to Becoming your Mum: Our Bump

My journey to motherhood
was filled with bumps along the road

but I would not change it for anything

The six months of bedrest both at the hospital and at home enabled me to bond with my son in so many ways. After these 12 months of watching him grow and the memories we have created, the obstacles of the past continue to allow me to enjoy every minute with him.

I wrote to him whilst on bed rest and although they were meant just for him, we will share our very first one. Hoping this is a poetic testament for you – one of how patience, determination, and faith conquer the tides of pregnancy and give rise to the joys of motherhood. This is a prelude to our hospital journey…


A positive sign
With the faintest line
We were back at school when we passed a test
Such joyous news is simply the best
For you our blessing
We began to imagine
Your radiant glow
We couldn’t wait to know

We visited the doctor but you were nowhere to be found
No heartbeats, no presence, not even a sound
What an instant stab to the back
When all we saw was just an empty sack
But a part of us always seemed to know
Our little egg just needed to grow
A little fighter from the start
Just needed to develop a beating heart

Two weeks later at the end of July
At the thought of a loss, I began to cry
With mild spotting at hand
We went in for yet another scan
Amen! To our greatest delight
There you were with all your might
Strong heartbeats we heard
For a glimpse of you, we feverishly yearned

The days went by and turned into weeks
As we patiently awaited your first little kicks
We soon felt your nudges
And intimate touches
These we immensely treasure
And welcomed with absolute pleasure
Every day a bit bigger and slightly longer
Definitely, a little stronger…

Then, nothing prepared us for what would happen next
It blew everything we knew right out of context
A lot of our plans were out the door
Our future with you was not so sure
But our hope and faith in God remain
The upcoming tidal surges we intended to tame
For, a happy visit to our doctor revealed
That mommy’s cervix was far from sealed

We were rushed to the hospital to face this ordeal,
It all happened so quickly and seemed surreal,
A fifteen-minute emergency cervical stitch
Was our way out of what seemed like a ditch
We prayed and hoped that this would soon be resolved
Not realizing all that was involved
Strict bed rest and elevation, all of which I detest
Were all part of this horrible test

The two days planned, slowly turned into four
Suddenly becoming way more than we catered for
After two weeks of waiting
And the numerous friends we acquainted
The cerclage was performed
Only to be informed
That to our dismay
Our return home was faced with a delay

So, as we settle down in our new humble abode
Our wish is to take you home at the end of this road
But what we ask of you our sweet little one
Is to wait and be patient, our dearest son
With the three or four long months to go
A lifetime with you we look forward to know
And to every bump that lies ahead
We say to you that we stand prepared!

This poem was written by Nikisha Rabess, a first-time mother 

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