Home Focus Healthy Aging Month – Sept 2021

Healthy Aging Month – Sept 2021

Healthy Aging Month – Sept 2021

The phenomenon of aging is a normal life process that, for various reasons, is often approached with apprehension. Many people try to deny the aging process and would gladly prevent it from occurring if they could.

Certainly, aging is associated with some undesirable life changes such as deteriorating health, sensory impairment, declining physical agility, and diminishing cognitive alertness, to name a few. Indeed, older persons are more susceptible to diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and dementia, among others, but when one considers that many older persons are alert, agile, and physically fit and overall enjoying good health, it becomes clear that the process of aging is not necessarily adverse.

Moreover, the idea of graceful aging can be embraced if the mind has been prepared and conditioned to meet with this inevitable process and if the necessary steps are taken to cushion its effects. Self-care is important at all ages and stages of life; more so as one grows older. Therefore, factors such as proper diet and eating habits, adequate rest, mental and physical activity are critical as they will, to a large extent, determine the quality of life that persons will enjoy as they grow older.

As with everything else, there are advantages as well as disadvantages to aging  as outlined in these few examples below:

Benefits of Aging :

  • Retirement – Aging persons who are still at work can look toward their imminent retirement. For those whose work life has been hectic and stressful, the prospect of retirement is bound to be attractive as they look forward to all the free time they will have to pursue hobbies and to do all the fun and leisure things that they have, hitherto, been unable to do. Work is the No.1 stressor and when that burden has been discarded life becomes almost, if not altogether, stress-free. Consequently, older persons enjoy life better; they experience peace, they become more aware of the joy to be derived from the simple things of life.
  • Social Safety Net Programs – Older persons benefit from social safety nets such as free government-run programs, free or discounted state medical services, and public assistance. Additionally, persons who have reached the age of sixty and who were continuously employed are, in most countries, eligible for a pension which is a guaranteed basic income after they have retired from work. This creates a sense of well-being as such older persons do not have to worry about having their basic needs met. Usually, where a pension is not available, or sometimes, in addition to a pension, older persons also receive social security benefits.
  • Finding Their Softer Side – A natural softening comes with aging. Older persons have gone through all types of experiences and have learned ways to cope, to survive, to grow, to empathize, to forgive, and to love. They can sit together and laugh about the things that once got them mad. They can suggest better approaches to resolve conflict than those which they employed in their time and they can let go of grudges and bitterness that for years had held them hostage. (Of course, this is not a general statement to cover all older persons).
  • Family Time/People Time – Many people grow out of touch with family and friends because of hectic work schedules, stressful domestic situations, and general cares of life. There just does not seem to be enough hours in a day to keep in touch. Older persons who have reached the end of work-life and who are no longer pursuing success, keeping up with the Joneses, or raising a family have all the time on their hands to rekindle stagnant friendships, nurture family relationships such as spoiling their grandchildren or serving humanity through volunteerism projects in the church, community or even abroad.
  • Right to Freedom – Aging persons tend to feel that by virtue of their graying hairs, they have earned certain rights which they were previously reluctant to exercise. For example, they may become bolder and more outspoken concerning the behaviors and attitudes they will tolerate from others. Also, they tend to be more big-hearted, spreading love and empathy among the people in their circle.

Disadvantages of Aging :

  • Health Issues – Undoubtedly, aging people face a wide range of health issues – from oral to chronic to cognitive and even mental health issues which are associated with aging. Accordingly, as people age, they should condition their minds for these changes and make the necessary lifestyle modifications to mitigate, where possible, the effects of health conditions associated with aging.
  • Loneliness – Many aging persons suffer from health conditions such as depression, alcoholism, and in extreme cases, mental illness as a result of loneliness. Persons who raised large families, who were part of large work organizations or were, generally, part of large social circles and who, in their senior years, find themselves house-bound and alone have a hard time coping and many do not come out of this situation successfully.
  • Physical Changes – Not all aging persons handle superficial changes to their appearance well. Many are unable, at first, to face their altered image in the mirror – the greying hairs, diminished facial beauty, less sexy body, and more. These changes do not occur overnight; hence, persons may spend years fighting the aging process until eventually, they have no choice but to surrender. For example, aging persons may invest in years of hair dying, going to the gym, and dieting, but inevitably they have to accept the fact that their appearance has altered irrevocably and what they see in the mirror is their new self.
  • Decreased Physical Fitness – Many aging persons maintain their physical fitness way into old age and can give sound competition to their younger counterparts especially in this century where jobs, as well as recreation, have become more sedentary and fast foods often, have replaced healthy home-cooked family meals. Nonetheless, one cannot deny the fact that aging brings on the slowness of movement. The onset of ailments such as osteoarthritis, joint pain, and certain heart conditions may slow down movement in older persons and may be so bad as to restrict them to walkers or wheelchairs.

Notwithstanding the negative consequences associated with the process of aging, it is a period of life that can be enjoyed and appreciated. Many people do not have the benefit of even reaching old age. So many die from illness, accidents, homicide, etc! We who live to ripe old age must count ourselves blessed and no matter the challenges that we face, there is bound to be something good that we can enjoy as we grow older.


About the Author
Featured Author at Hubpages and Expert Author at SelfGrowth.com, Joyette Fabien has been publishing articles on the internet since 2011. Her articles span a range of categories such as Life Lessons, Self Development, Self Empowerment, Social Issues, Cultural Events, Youth, Parenting, Writing, and Education. Joyette has, however, found her niche in Life Lessons through which she shares her experiences as a means of empowering women to handle life’s challenges as they go through life. Joyette is also a short story writer and uses her stories as a vehicle for empowerment as well as social commentary. You may view her books on her Amazon Author Page.